Parent Resources


Classroom Information

Home Reading

Daily reading is a vital element in developing reading skills.  You can get involved in your child’s learning through the Home Reading program.  The children will be asked to read for 15-20 minutes a night. This exposure is critical in establishing sight vocabulary and comprehension. Accelerated Reader (AR) books will be coming home with your child. It is vital that you read these books with your child as they will be taking a short comprehension quiz on the computer the following day. The library will be closed on Fridays, so please understand your child will need to get a new book on Thursday for the weekend. We will also be using Raz-Kids in school. Students are encouraged to log in at home and read, listen to books and take comprehension quizzes. Once Raz-Kids is up and running, your child’s log in will be taped to the inside of their agenda.

Sight Words

To increase reading accuracy and fluency, your child will be working on sight words for the entire year. During the beginning of the year, your child will be encouraged to master the Dolch Sight Word Lists, they will then start the Fry Word Lists. Once all Fry Word Lists have been mastered, your child will receive a certificate in the classroom for their dedication. Sight words will be in their agenda, is important that you practice reading them at home in order to help your child develop their reading skills and leave them in their agenda so we can practice at school too. When your child learns these words and recognizes them without hesitation, I will ask them to read them to me. I will send home a new set of words at that time and the cycle continues.

Basic Facts

Along with reading skills, it is important that your child is able to recall basic math facts by the end of this year. Students will be working on one of addition, subtraction, multiplication or division facts for the entire year. I will assess your child and send home specific facts for them to practice. Please try to practice at least three times per week. There are also many apps you can download in order for your child to practice independently.  We will also be using Mathletics with you can access at home. Once their log in is up and running, your child’s log in will be taped to the inside of their agenda.


Each child will need a pair of indoor shoes (suitable for running in gym) and a backpack or school bag large enough to carry an agenda and books home. Please be sure to label all your child’s articles with his or her name throughout the year as students often have difficulty identifying stray items.  As students will be going outside for recess daily, please also ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for the weather. There is never a guarantee there will be an indoor recess even if it is raining or cold. Please do not send laces if your child cannot tie them independently.

Snacks/Water Bottles

Our class will have a morning snack in addition to our lunch. Please pack healthy snacks and lunches. It is asked that you use your discretion when sending junk food such as candy or chips to school. Indus School has a NO PEANUT AND NO NUT policy. We will wipe our desks and wash our hands before and after eating.

Student Agendas

To organize the flow of paper back and forth between home and school, each student will be provided with an agenda with their number on it that will go home each day.  Any notices, Scholastic book orders, finished work, and notes from the teacher will be placed in the agenda. The agenda should be kept in your child’s backpack and brought to school every day.  Please read and initial your child’s agenda daily.


There will be no parent volunteers at this time. I will be looking for a parent to help with scholastic orders from home. Please contact me if you are interested.


Our class has library every Tuesday. Students can take out two books (in addition to their AR book) each week to be returned the following Tuesday. Books will be stored for quarantine before being put back on the shelf in the library.  


Over the course of the year, a portfolio will be compiled for each student to showcase and celebrate their work and progress.  This will mean that although the children are often very excited to bring their work home, some of their work/artwork will need to be kept at school for this purpose.


It would be appreciated if toys were not brought to school, as they can be a distraction for the other children in the classroom. This includes Pokemon cards.

Scholastic Book Clubs

Scholastic Book Clubs are an excellent way to increase your home library and encourage your child as a reader.  Each month, forms will be sent home in the agendas.  The forms will have a return date on the back page.  If you are interested in ordering a book, fill in the form and send it with a cheque (NO CASH) before the return date.  The books will arrive at the school and come home in your child’s backpack within three to four weeks of the order date.  See the Scholastic website at for more information.


If your child is going to be absent, please let the school know by phoning or emailing me, before 8:45am that morning. If your child does not show up for school and we haven’t heard from you, we assume your child did not make it to school safely.

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