School Council

The Indus School Council is a parent advisory body for our school. The School Council is actively involved in all aspects of school life. In 1975, the government mandated the formation of school councils in order for parents to have a forum for input into their child’s education.

One indicator to your child that education is worth your time is to be actively involved in the School Council.

General, town-hall style meetings are held in September, November, January, March. We welcome all parents and interested parties to join us at these meetings.  Elections for positions are held every May at the Annual General Meeting; notices of all General Meetings will be posted here.

Board Members

Position Name
Chairperson Christine Nielsen
Vice Chairperson Sherry Bishop
Secretary Lindsay Blatz
Treasurer Kerri Volk
Merchandise Co-ordinator Cindy Robinson
Hot Lunch Coordinator Mandi Tomblin
Fundraising Coordinator Amy Weston
Past Chairperson Katherine Winkler
School Trustee Shelley Kinley

Meeting Minutes

Land Acknowledgment

Rocky View Schools would like to acknowledge the land and recognize all the Indigenous Peoples whose footprints have marked these lands from time immemorial. Together, we can learn and honour the Ways of Knowing of Indigenous Peoples for all future generations.