Indus School as a collective body consisting of students, parents, staff members, and support agencies:
- ensures the basic physical, social, and emotional needs of all are met.
- broadens students’ horizons through diverse experiences.
The purpose of Indus School is to build in students a multifaceted personal foundation to carry them successfully through life.
At Indus School we Value:
- Accomplishment – seeing something through to completion
- Adventure - exciting, delight–filled experience
- Community – contributing to the good of all
- Creativity – working or thinking in unique ways
- Hard Work – putting in the best effort possible
- Honesty – being truthful in words and actions
- Joy – happiness that permeates all aspects of life
- Respect – giving a sense of importance to self, others, and property
- Service – sacrificing personal time and effort for others
- Spirit – the essential, positive, and resilient character of an individual and community